Ten things you may not have known about the PassFire Burn Pan
-Sunday, August 21, 2016
- The PassFire Burn Pan is long lasting. The product is constructed with heavy-duty 16 gauge 304 stainless steel. Halcyon Products has been manufacturing the PassFire Burn Pan for over 12 years without an issue. 304 Stainless steel does not readily corrode, rust or stain with water as ordinary steel does.
- The PassFire Burn Pan is easy to use. We built the PassFire Burn Pan with as few components as possible for two reasons: 1) so they do not wear and need replacing, and, 2) so that it is quick and easy to operate. The PassFire Burn Pan uses a simple road flare to ignite the flame. This process will never fail. We have found that over time that the electronic igniters tend to need replacement. The unit contains quick disconnects for easy set up and tear down and provides additional security, limiting the supply of propane to the burning element. It takes minutes to setup and use. Our instruction manual can be viewed online.
- The PassFire Burn Pan was designed and built by a firefighter in the U.S. After several frustrating attempts to provide fire extinguish training using various techniques, BC Steve Nash, developed the PassFire Burn Pan. It is built and shipped from Cleveland, Ohio. Steve likes to use the phase, “It is built by a firefighter so it is firefighter proof.” You can contact Steve for more information at sdnash@halcyonproducts.com.
- The PassFire Burn Pan is environmentally friendly. Gone are the days of using a mixture of fuels that are difficult to use, dirty and impossible to dispose of. The PassFire Burn Pan use clean burning propane that is readily available at most home improvement stores. The only clean up involves dumping the water that is sitting in the pan.
- The Burn Pan is specifically designed to be used when complying with OSHA 1910.157(g) (1) which states, “Where the employer has provided portable fire extinguishers for employee use in the workplace, the employer shall also provide an educational program to familiarize employees with the general principles of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved with incipient stage fire fighting.” For more on this please go to our website.
- The PassFire Burn Pan provides a realistic training environment with a real flame and a real fire extinguisher. From our experience a real fire can be intimidating. By using a real flame, as opposed to a simple video, while training prepares the person and will help to lessen their anxiety when they encounter a real fire. See it in operation by watching our video.
- The PassFire Burn Pan has qualified for Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program provided by FEMA. For more information on this program please visit the FEMA website.
- Schools, universities and business are training their students and workers. Universities and companies are purchasing their own PassFire Burn Pans. There may also be cost sharing arrangements you can investigate with companies in your area. Some corporations may also donate the PassFire Burn Pan to their local fire department.
- Hundreds of PassFire Burn Pans have been sold. We have applications photos of real training sessions as well as references on our website. We can also provide a list of references in your area if required.
- The PassFire Burn Pan is easy to order. Our website was built to provide you with easy ordering capabilities. To access pricing you either need to send us a request for pricing or just register on the site. Once you put the item in your shopping cart you will be ready to check out. Halcyon Products will accept your order with a Purchase Order number or credit card.
Contact us for more information or go to the PassFire Burn Pan web page.